Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility

In my research, teaching, and mentorship, I strive to improve diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA). Towards this goal, I developed an introductory R workshop in coordination with the African Graduate Students Association at Michigan State University (MSU). The workshop was attended by graduate students from multiple Sub-Saharan African countries, including Mastercard Foundation Scholars and several undergraduate women in science. Recently, I led an outreach program on spotted hyena biology to several classrooms of elementary students within the Denver Public School system (in the U.S.). As part of this program, students were shown pictures of diverse people doing field biology and then asked to draw a picture of what a scientist looks like to them. This is part a developing project that aims to showcase diversity in science and importantly to encourage students to see themselves as scientists, if that aligns with their interests. In addition, during my postdoc I helped lead a paper on belonging in STEM that was published in Trends in Ecology and Evolution. Finally, and I co-instructed a graduate course on DEI. I am committed to developing inclusive practices, broadening educational outreach, expanding research opportunities, and forging collaborations involving people with diverse identities, behaviors, and ideas.